
This is my first real job, I don’t think theres a more toxic work environment.

So to make this short, I’ve been working at a doctor’s office for roughly 8 months. One physician out of four total has made this place an absolute hell hole. Your typical inflated ego, superiority complex, bully, and straight up pervert. It was tolerable because my manager did his job well and didn’t let himself get stepped on by said doctor. He’s leaving next month, and the temporary replacement has already interrogated half the staff. Whatever conversation he had with the dr, he made it so that he’s the victim and everyone else is out to get him. It’s not worth explaining, because you cannot explain the level of ridiculousness and borderline insanity of said provider. Anyway I’m just ranting. This was always going to be a short temporary job, but I’m pretty bummed that all this is happening sooner than expected. I’m ready to put in my two weeks…

So to make this short, I’ve been working at a doctor’s office for roughly 8 months. One physician out of four total has made this place an absolute hell hole. Your typical inflated ego, superiority complex, bully, and straight up pervert. It was tolerable because my manager did his job well and didn’t let himself get stepped on by said doctor. He’s leaving next month, and the temporary replacement has already interrogated half the staff. Whatever conversation he had with the dr, he made it so that he’s the victim and everyone else is out to get him. It’s not worth explaining, because you cannot explain the level of ridiculousness and borderline insanity of said provider. Anyway I’m just ranting.

This was always going to be a short temporary job, but I’m pretty bummed that all this is happening sooner than expected. I’m ready to put in my two weeks cause I’m trying to get into another field completely, and I need to work on certifications. I swear he pisses me off one more time, everyone will see a brutal rude awakening of the quietest person in the office.

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