
This is too good not to share. eBay sale hand delivered, guy asked for a refund on shipping!

So, I sell a video game console on eBay. The auction completes, I see the buyer lives in a suburb of the same city I live in a suburb of. I wasn't working, and wanted to get out, so I decided to just pocket the $16.25 shipping he gets charged as a part of my auction USPS shipping fee. The house was 34 miles from me, so 68 round trip. My car gets around 23mpg, so basically 3 gallons of gas was needed to make this delivery. I completed delivery in less than ONE HOUR after the auction ended. The guy responded to my delivery message on eBay that I was so fast, and if I could toss some money back his way since I didn't have to pay for shipping, that'd be cool, but if not OK. He was NOT a dick about it. I think we're so trained…

So, I sell a video game console on eBay. The auction completes, I see the buyer lives in a suburb of the same city I live in a suburb of. I wasn't working, and wanted to get out, so I decided to just pocket the $16.25 shipping he gets charged as a part of my auction USPS shipping fee. The house was 34 miles from me, so 68 round trip. My car gets around 23mpg, so basically 3 gallons of gas was needed to make this delivery. I completed delivery in less than ONE HOUR after the auction ended.

The guy responded to my delivery message on eBay that I was so fast, and if I could toss some money back his way since I didn't have to pay for shipping, that'd be cool, but if not OK. He was NOT a dick about it. I think we're so trained to see our time as worth nothing, we put it onto other people. My own problem, but my car takes premium, so gas for that trip was $15, I think I paid $5.04 a gallon.

It's interesting when gas is this high, you really see the value of trucks carrying a bunch of stuff and not duplicating efforts, efficiencies of scale and such.

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