
This job is just becoming worse by the day

I work for a big insurance company, I like to hop around to different departments and do other things a lot. The last position I was in as a claims adjuster caused me some of the most stress I have ever felt and I had to take 6 weeks off to get my head straight last year. In that job I knew how to do everything and was very very good at it, it is just that the work load and constant negativity from the client base really got to me. My work best friend saw how bad I was struggling and talked me into transferring into auto salvage where I would be dealing mostly with paper work. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to help give me a reset period and then plan my next move in the company. When I came in it seemed like a good…

I work for a big insurance company, I like to hop around to different departments and do other things a lot. The last position I was in as a claims adjuster caused me some of the most stress I have ever felt and I had to take 6 weeks off to get my head straight last year. In that job I knew how to do everything and was very very good at it, it is just that the work load and constant negativity from the client base really got to me.

My work best friend saw how bad I was struggling and talked me into transferring into auto salvage where I would be dealing mostly with paper work. I saw this as the perfect opportunity to help give me a reset period and then plan my next move in the company. When I came in it seemed like a good role and then the cracks started forming.

Unfortunately like my last role that handled claims nationwide, salvage is broken into teams on a state by state basis and each state has to play by the DMV of that states rules for us to be able to process these salvaged cars. I was put into one of the busiest states in the country (I will not say which one just in case someone I know reads this) and the training started out ok but I quickly realized there was no single way to do something and each person did the work a VERY different way.

So over the last 3 months I have been doing what I have been taught to do and in that time the DMV has changed their operating procedures and we're no longer tolerant about corner cutting. Well because of the way I was trained apparently I was not taught the proper way to do a lot of my job. A lot of my stuff is being denied by the State and my teammates are blaming me for all my errors. The person that trained me has since moved on and the tenured reps refuse to train me because of how busy we are. I have had 3 emotional breakdowns in the last 2 weeks because I always blame myself when something goes wrong due to my actions and I just might need to take another mental break soon.

TL:DR I was taught to do my new job the wrong way and my new teammates refuse to teach me the correct procedures.

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