
This job I’ve been at for a month is very terrifying

So I started a factory job a month ago. I started out of a temp agency I went in and it’s very simple stuff, just hot and you sweat a lot. Within this month I’ve gotten a $1 raise and on July 4th my pay will increase another $1.50. Everyone gets along here for the most part, everyone shows up and does their job, and even the managers sit there and do the same work as us. We get 2 weeks off at Christmas paid and even the owners come and check on us. I’m not sure what’s going on at this place but it’s scary how this place is. I’ve never experienced this before.

So I started a factory job a month ago. I started out of a temp agency I went in and it’s very simple stuff, just hot and you sweat a lot. Within this month I’ve gotten a $1 raise and on July 4th my pay will increase another $1.50. Everyone gets along here for the most part, everyone shows up and does their job, and even the managers sit there and do the same work as us. We get 2 weeks off at Christmas paid and even the owners come and check on us. I’m not sure what’s going on at this place but it’s scary how this place is. I’ve never experienced this before.

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