
This subreddit has had such a bad misunderstanding

I appreciate this subreddit. I definitely don't agree with most of the political leanings of you all, but I genuinely agree with what is being said on here. Taking the time to explore the top posts and a little bit of the sentiment of the people in here, I think this movement has had such a positive impact on the workplace. This subreddit has also encourage me to leave my current job due to the hustle culture of it because I have a 6 week old kid and want to focus on him instead of my job. Keep up the work!

I appreciate this subreddit. I definitely don't agree with most of the political leanings of you all, but I genuinely agree with what is being said on here. Taking the time to explore the top posts and a little bit of the sentiment of the people in here, I think this movement has had such a positive impact on the workplace.

This subreddit has also encourage me to leave my current job due to the hustle culture of it because I have a 6 week old kid and want to focus on him instead of my job. Keep up the work!

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