
Thought everyone would like to hear about an office slowly dying

I used to work at a dermatology office, I won't name names but they were pretty advanced with with their ways to treat patients and had great dermatology practices. It was great experience and made me realize I really love skin cancer removals, cyst surgeries, and kinda wanna try doing that in the future as a career. The providers I worked with were always fantastic and eccentric yet tired doctors/PAs/NPs that just like being their dorky selves. And that is all the positives I can say about the company. Let's talk about what my job was like. I woke up at 6:20am to leave at 6:45am every day so I can beat traffic and get to the office at 7:20. My shift doesn't start for another hour technically, but I clock in and open every room, fill all liquid nitrogen canisters, check emails, look at biopsy reports, and print out…

I used to work at a dermatology office, I won't name names but they were pretty advanced with with their ways to treat patients and had great dermatology practices. It was great experience and made me realize I really love skin cancer removals, cyst surgeries, and kinda wanna try doing that in the future as a career. The providers I worked with were always fantastic and eccentric yet tired doctors/PAs/NPs that just like being their dorky selves.

And that is all the positives I can say about the company.

Let's talk about what my job was like. I woke up at 6:20am to leave at 6:45am every day so I can beat traffic and get to the office at 7:20. My shift doesn't start for another hour technically, but I clock in and open every room, fill all liquid nitrogen canisters, check emails, look at biopsy reports, and print out the schedule for today. Why? Because none of my coworkers would do this and I'd be blamed for none of the rooms being ready.

So then I'd scribe and assist my provider of the day with usually 27-30 patients in 4 hours. Taking care of biopsies or surgeries, doing suture removals, doing kenalog injections, helping people with biologics, the whole shebang. At noon, I would be the only one out of the 2-3 MAs for my provider to call patients back with biopsy reports (and that is a long fucking list, I'm talking 9+ pages of reports), scheduling them for surgery, checking all phone messages, shutting down the rooms, and doing the biopsy log and shipment. Every. Single. Day.

I'd get home by 6:30pm because my boss didn't want me to promote laziness if I left at 3:30, even though I got there an hour early every day and she knew I did. So I had to stay until way past 4, sometimes even 5, and get stuck in rush hour traffic. I gained weight because I only ate a bag of Doritos when I got home and passed out on the couch. Once again, every day.

I was blamed for everything minor occuring, I had to come in on days off when coworkers would just not show up, one of the front desk women, Carol (I have no problem naming her) sexually harassed me multiple times by slapping my ass and hugging me when I told her to stop numerous times. I worked myself to the point of fainting, and one night decided to attempt ending my life before aborting the plan. The following day, my boss had a complaint from a patient about me, and I broke down crying. I explained my depression, how I'm feeling horrible, that I'm always singled out, and that nobody cares. I was told to leave the office with a smile because, “if you don't smile, your depression will just spread to everyone else. And we don't want that, do we?”

So yeah I quit that job after 7 months working there

After I left, most of the MAs I worked with left as well because I was no longer doing their jobs and were getting shit for it. This was in 2019, right before COVID hit.

This year, in the year of our lord 2022, I got an update from a friend of mine that worked there with me. She left in the fall and went to a better derm office, she and I were the hardest workers of that office and they officially had no good MAs left at that point. Yesterday, I learned that they had a massive exodus of MAs in one week. 6 MAs left this past week. They have no more medical assistants for their providers.

No more help in surgeries. No more help getting rooms prepped. No more help with patients as a whole. The place is barren now with only front desk, the manager, and the providers.

They're fucked! They got nothing! I mean they can try the temp agency again but even the temps left after a few weeks time. Nobody want to work for this company and knowing the manager is having an actual meltdown over this is absolutely splendid.

And that is the only positive thing to happen for me this week. Thank you for reading.

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