
Thoughts on trial

So I went to a trial for a job at a Vege pick pack place. At first it was going pretty well and they seemed really organised, then the boss started speeding up and getting quite panicked making everyone double their orders, this in turn made me panic and speed up, raising my anxiety from a hey this is a pretty normal seeming job and trial to oh shit this guy means business. We were meant to finish at 4 and at 3.30 no one was moving to clean up this massive warehouse full of food so I asked what was happening and he said to get all the food away with this other guy. I start getting it all ready and tidying up then I see the other guy is going home, I then ask what’s happening again as I’m assuming I’m going too as this is a trial…

So I went to a trial for a job at a Vege pick pack place. At first it was going pretty well and they seemed really organised, then the boss started speeding up and getting quite panicked making everyone double their orders, this in turn made me panic and speed up, raising my anxiety from a hey this is a pretty normal seeming job and trial to oh shit this guy means business. We were meant to finish at 4 and at 3.30 no one was moving to clean up this massive warehouse full of food so I asked what was happening and he said to get all the food away with this other guy. I start getting it all ready and tidying up then I see the other guy is going home, I then ask what’s happening again as I’m assuming I’m going too as this is a trial and by this time it must’ve been 4, the guy says everything needs to be packed away so I’m left as the new person on trial putting away all these pallets of food by myself. By this time I’m exhausted and annoyed at the dude that left. We finally get it all away and by we I mean me doing the final clean up by myself, then I go to leave. A day later I find my scooter lock has been taken by someone at the place. The guy then asks me the next day if I want to work shifts next week. What would you guys do in this situation, I would like to be earning money but I’m also waiting on a much better job to get back to me as they say they like me. Part of me wants to work for a little bit at that place to get some money while I wait, another part of me is physically exhausted from the job already and annoyed about the stolen scooter lock.

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