
Threatening to close the branch as motivation

Trying to avoid giving away too many details so sorry for all of the vagueness. I work for a company that does exist nationally but only has a few corporate-owned locations. I work in one of these. My branch was profitable and the next closest branch was a money pit. The rent there is high, many competitors, and barely any marketing was done. Add in incompetent management and it's a recipe for disaster. So what happens? That branch closes and my branch is expected to continue serving that customer base. The travel expenses alone are ~6x the value of that customer list. As a result, my branch has not been profitable since we absorbed that branch. So now there are drastic changes being made daily with no notice or communication. Customers and suppliers have both expressed anxiety and frustration around the uncertainty. In a recent meeting, we were told to…

Trying to avoid giving away too many details so sorry for all of the vagueness.

I work for a company that does exist nationally but only has a few corporate-owned locations. I work in one of these.

My branch was profitable and the next closest branch was a money pit. The rent there is high, many competitors, and barely any marketing was done. Add in incompetent management and it's a recipe for disaster.

So what happens? That branch closes and my branch is expected to continue serving that customer base. The travel expenses alone are ~6x the value of that customer list.

As a result, my branch has not been profitable since we absorbed that branch. So now there are drastic changes being made daily with no notice or communication. Customers and suppliers have both expressed anxiety and frustration around the uncertainty. In a recent meeting, we were told to cut the hours of all hourly employees to basically nothing and that if we don't turn a profit in two months, we're going to close.

The old me would've seen this as a challenge and tried to single-handedly save the company. Thanks to this subreddit, I'm taking this as a sign to just do the bare minimum I have to in order to get paid and use all of the rest of my time to apply for a new job + work on a business plan for my own thing.

To all of my customers and suppliers out there: you've been great and I'm so sorry I can't do more.

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