
throat infection= no voice = losing only job skill under capitalism

Our American economy is based on slick fast talking salesmen. Professor Harold Hill from THE MUSIC MAN is the great American hero when you get down to it. Because I like food and housing I have spent most of my career employed as a slick fast talking salesmen. Not my fault, persuasive speech is my only real marketable skill. Started a new job last Monday, started developing laryngitis Thursday, a day of vocal rest Friday on my day off. completely lost voice 2 hours into Saturday shift went home. Total vocal rest Sunday day off, throat still hurts and started losing voice talking to my cat this morning. So going to urgent care to get throat infection treated, going to have to call out again today. Probably will lose job due to an infection taking away my only marketable skill. I'm realizing the weakness of capitalism this morning. It pushes…

Our American economy is based on slick fast talking salesmen. Professor Harold Hill from THE MUSIC MAN is the great American hero when you get down to it. Because I like food and housing I have spent most of my career employed as a slick fast talking salesmen. Not my fault, persuasive speech is my only real marketable skill.

Started a new job last Monday, started developing laryngitis Thursday, a day of vocal rest Friday on my day off. completely lost voice 2 hours into Saturday shift went home. Total vocal rest Sunday day off, throat still hurts and started losing voice talking to my cat this morning.

So going to urgent care to get throat infection treated, going to have to call out again today. Probably will lose job due to an infection taking away my only marketable skill.

I'm realizing the weakness of capitalism this morning. It pushes people into career paths that are based on some sort of specialization and there's no alternative if that specialization fails them or is no longer marketable.


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