

I'm completely exhausted. I'm fed up with working five days a week with only two days off in order to relax. It's technically not even two days because Sunday isn't really a fucking rest day. It's basically the day you use in order to get ready for the next work week. The three day weekend that we're all hoping for in the near future is never going to be the standard unless we start acting now. We all know that governments are extremely slow at getting anything done. We need a catalyst. I think we as people tend to forget our strength as a collective and the things we can accomplish if we act as such. What if we got as many people as we could to call out for work four times each year? This might sound cheesy, but what if we had a coordinated “timeout” for each quarter…

I'm completely exhausted. I'm fed up with working five days a week with only two days off in order to relax. It's technically not even two days because Sunday isn't really a fucking rest day. It's basically the day you use in order to get ready for the next work week. The three day weekend that we're all hoping for in the near future is never going to be the standard unless we start acting now. We all know that governments are extremely slow at getting anything done. We need a catalyst. I think we as people tend to forget our strength as a collective and the things we can accomplish if we act as such. What if we got as many people as we could to call out for work four times each year? This might sound cheesy, but what if we had a coordinated “timeout” for each quarter throughout the year? Obviously if you can't afford to sit out for one day, then don't. It'd be even better if we took these timeouts on Fridays to raise awareness or to force some kind of push for a three-day weekend. Imagine how much money these business owners would lose if 90% of their employees just decided not to show up for work one day.

Yearly Quarters

Quarter 1 (Q1) Quarter 2 (Q2) Quarter 3 (Q3) Quarter 4 (Q3)
January 1st – March 31st April 1st – June 30th July 1st – September 30th October 1st – December 31st

Upcoming Timeout: October 7th, 2022 (74 days left).

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