
timesheet fraud/student worker

okay so i already posted about this but i’m gonna share again with more details because my anxiety is thru the roof and i need advice. i was fired with “just cause”, not sure what to do now or expect. this will be a long post and i want to preface by stating i am not trying to make excuses, but i just need to know what i’m in for. im at senior at university who had been working a student office job for almost 3 years. i excelled at my job and was promoted to supervisor a few months ago. however, these past few months have also been the most difficult of my life. i suffered two losses in my family, was physically assaulted and left with injuries, and my mental health was at its absolute worst. i have trouble confiding in people and didn’t disclose my mental health…

okay so i already posted about this but i’m gonna share again with more details because my anxiety is thru the roof and i need advice. i was fired with “just cause”, not sure what to do now or expect.

this will be a long post and i want to preface by stating i am not trying to make excuses, but i just need to know what i’m in for. im at senior at university who had been working a student office job for almost 3 years. i excelled at my job and was promoted to supervisor a few months ago. however, these past few months have also been the most difficult of my life. i suffered two losses in my family, was physically assaulted and left with injuries, and my mental health was at its absolute worst. i have trouble confiding in people and didn’t disclose my mental health struggles or what i was going through to anyone, let alone my boss. since we had been working remotely answering calls, during these months i found it difficult to function even working from home, and made the mistake of not taking calls/going unavailable for my shifts, but still logging the whole shift. it was a stupid mistake, i know. i don’t know what i was thinking. my boss met with me this morning telling me i will be terminated under the terms of “just cause” and i’m meeting with HR soon to learn if there will be repercussions besides being terminated. my boss has evidence of the call logs showing i was logged in but not taking any calls i’ve never been so terrified. i don’t want you all reading this thinking im a bad kid, this was completely out of character and i regret it. my boss said other departments will be reaching out to me regarding “any possible ongoing investigations.” i already have a meeting set up with HR tomorrow. but i also would like to know more of what i am/could be getting into. how will this affect me as im applying for jobs as im approaching graduation? how/ if this will affect my law school applications? what will come up with background checks in the future? how should i approach my meeting with HR? is it likely that i’ll face other consequences besides already being terminated? if they ask me to pay back the wages, i will gladly, but i’m terrified of facing legal action from them or being expelled which i hope it doesn’t lead to that as im graduating in May.

please help.

it’s probably around 30-40 hours total over the past few months that i was clocking in shifts that i was logged in for but not actually taking calls. and they do have evidence of the call logs. i feel so dumb. but being that i’m a student worker at the schools office, do you think they’ll have some compassion? should i just admit it to HR and say i’m willing to pay the money back? what should i say when i meet with HR tomorrow? i want to resolve this as quickly as possible and just have peace of mind and not have to face anymore stress. i need advice.

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