
Tired of being lied to about a job that I’ve applied to.

It’s ridiculous. I left a job that was full time with benefits. I was there 10 years. I couldn’t deal with the disrespect anymore. I took another job that was supposed to be full-time and benefits and after a week they knocked me down to less than part time. And guess what?it happened again. I applied for a job at a VA Caneen. It was supposed to be 1725 an hour. So the day I start, they put me on a cash register and tell me that I’m only gonna be making 575 an hour and that I am an independent contractor. So once again, I’m lied to. No benefits. I have to pay my own taxes and this could go on anywhere from three months to a year. I’m 60 years old. How the fuck am I supposed to even make a doctor appointment? Just getting the flu shot…

It’s ridiculous. I left a job that was full time with benefits. I was there 10 years. I couldn’t deal with the disrespect anymore. I took another job that was supposed to be full-time and benefits and after a week they knocked me down to less than part time. And guess what?it happened again. I applied for a job at a VA Caneen. It was supposed to be 1725 an hour. So the day I start, they put me on a cash register and tell me that I’m only gonna be making 575 an hour and that I am an independent contractor. So once again, I’m lied to. No benefits. I have to pay my own taxes and this could go on anywhere from three months to a year. I’m 60 years old. How the fuck am I supposed to even make a doctor appointment? Just getting the flu shot cost me $70 without insurance! I want to work but people are making it impossible.

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