I'm so tired of child free people getting pissy at their co workers asking for time off to spend time with their kids or taking more than 6month maternity leave. The usual response as to why they get upset is because they will have more of a work load when that employee is off. It's frustrating to see child free people blame it all on the parent wanting time off, and never criticizing that maybe it's their employer is at fault for already giving them a lot of work and on top employing as few people possibly for the company to function. I'm also tired of listening to child free people bitching about parents getting any sort of governmental assistance. I'm always like why are you upset for not getting an governmental assistance and THEN proposing that they do get taken away from parents which then just hurts the kids. I am child free, but the amount of ignorance and pull yourself from the boot strap I get from other child free people can be just tiring. I just want to scream “parents are not your fucking enemy! Your boss and every politician who guts social services and safety nets is your real enemy!”