
Tired of the rat race.

How much of your time do you spend wishing you had the means to quit your job for good? I've been on it for 3 years; I turned 30 last year and realized that I don't want to spend however many years climate change and it's impact will give us, typing away on a keyboard. And yes, I am privileged to have an office job that pays well. And If I still had the mindset that I had in my 20s, I would have stayed, “worked harder” for that yearly bonus, the metaphorical pat on the back for a job well done, and a title to tie my identity to. But the older you get the more you realize that none of that really matters. I'm physically and mentally tired of the rat race that we are all on, in one form or another. I can't imagine working in an…

How much of your time do you spend wishing you had the means to quit your job for good?

I've been on it for 3 years; I turned 30 last year and realized that I don't want to spend however many years climate change and it's impact will give us, typing away on a keyboard. And yes, I am privileged to have an office job that pays well. And If I still had the mindset that I had in my 20s, I would have stayed, “worked harder” for that yearly bonus, the metaphorical pat on the back for a job well done, and a title to tie my identity to.

But the older you get the more you realize that none of that really matters. I'm physically and mentally tired of the rat race that we are all on, in one form or another. I can't imagine working in an office setting, clocking in and out, in and out every day, staring at a screen till it's Friday and then Monday and then Friday and so on and on until I eventually drop dead or retire. and for what? So that my children can have a leg up on their journey towards the same race down the road?

I think that if our healthcare was not tied to our jobs, many people would opt to retire early to enjoy the subtlety of life in all its forms or atleast have the agency to do the things that matter to them.

If you didn't have to work for money or healthcare or both, how do you wish to experience your time?

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