
Today I finally out in my notice

This has been a long time in coming. I’ve needed to quit this job for a year, so I’m sorry in advance, this is very long post. I work for a major medical corporation. For the last year, there has just always been something. First it was that I had been promoted to a new position, but there was no one to fill my old one so I was doing both. Then the other person who I had been splitting the original job with was let go and I was covering all three jobs, working 11 hour days without a break (they would offer to cover me but if I left nothing got done and I was further behind, so I ate at my desk) and taking work home to finish at night, eating dinner while working and telling myself it was temporary. My managers all promised me i would…

This has been a long time in coming. I’ve needed to quit this job for a year, so I’m sorry in advance, this is very long post.

I work for a major medical corporation. For the last year, there has just always been something. First it was that I had been promoted to a new position, but there was no one to fill my old one so I was doing both. Then the other person who I had been splitting the original job with was let go and I was covering all three jobs, working 11 hour days without a break (they would offer to cover me but if I left nothing got done and I was further behind, so I ate at my desk) and taking work home to finish at night, eating dinner while working and telling myself it was temporary. My managers all promised me i would get bonuses come the new fiscal year and they were so thankful. Then corporate ended the bonus program they were planning on using, and I was told there was nothing they could do for me.

Then they finally hired people but through some screw ups they ended up bringing them in for the same week to train, so I was doing three jobs and training. Meanwhile we lost another employee and I was asked to help cover that too. At this point we had a major project that I told the manager I just couldn’t be asked to do, that I was so buried. He told me there was no one else and to train the new people. We hired another person and I was asked to train them too, which literally meant I was now using a mobile standing desk and going back and forth. Also I was newly married and I was barely seeing my husband. I was also the designated recruitment coordinator and accidentally when training the new hire they sent me her job offer and I saw she was making more than I was after two years. I was offended but thought that hey, she has more experience, so ok. But then the second girl asked my help to make sure she had filled out her w2 info correctly and I realized she had also been hired at more than I make, and she came in younger and no experience. I don’t begrudge anyone getting what they deserve but I was so upset.

I called my manager and left her a message saying i was sorry to bother her but i was ready to walk out at that moment. She was off for the week so she just told me “this can wait until Monday.”

I was furious. I walked into another manager (not above me) and said I quit and gave notice. He told me to sit down and basically said that I couldn’t mention salary because I could get in trouble, which is hilarious because legally no they can’t.

He informs my manager and she calls me and literally tells me she expects me to behave like an adult and talk to her and she was disappointed I would go to another manager. I explain the situation and she told me she can’t change my salary but she was officially moving my position remote and that I was no longer to support the office for the other positions. So told me to take the weekend.

I caved. Like an idiot, even after being insulted, I caved. I loved working from home.

Things got better for awhile. I stayed. I decided the good was worth the bad. Then the other shoe started falling. Management shifted a few times. Made things complicated. During this a manager of another department kept bullying our team and had multiple complaints. It was always dismissed. Finally my manager literally asked me to show her something and this other manager attacked me for it, stated that my manager had no right to do the task she was doing. I told her I wouldn’t be in the middle of it, she told me “you put yourself there.” My manager told me “not to engage.” I asked if they were going to let the manager continue bullying us and they said it wasn’t bullying and the “relationship between departments was complicated.”

Now this. They let go 45% of the work force on the western region. Centralized us so that we all had new bosses. Our job duties changed completely. The new process is unspeakable bad and inefficient and everyone hates it, and things are getting missed and messed up with it already.

Then they tell me with my job swap I have to rotate working weekends with the team. Which has never been a job requirement or expectation even when I was hired. I told them fine (even though our pay wasn’t changing for the increased workload and working weekends) but that I couldn’t work Sunday afternoons because I had church. She told me we would make it work.

Last week we had a meeting about scheduling weekends. No one was given any choices or allowed to put in pto for the fact that we hadn’t asked for time off because those HAD NEVER BEEN DAYS WE WORKED. And the topping was that I asked, what if we had time we couldn’t work and wasn’t in our availability? She told me I was responsible for those shifts and I had to find coverage.

I’ve been looking for work, but I was done at that moment. I don’t even care I don’t even have another job yet. I will figure it out. I put in my notice today. And going through all this? I’m shocked it took this long.

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