
Today I Told my Boss to give me a 50% Pay raise or I’m going to a competitor.

Their competitor offered me a 10% raise with better benefits and tenure based raises every 6 months so I was going to put in my two weeks notice today and they asked what they can do to keep me, I told them either company wide policy changes or 50% pay raise and he got reeeeally nervous and asked me to give him two days. So he is going to talk to his boss to see what they can do as last month I alone brought in 20k revenue for the company. It was glorious and my heart is pounding crazy AF.

Their competitor offered me a 10% raise with better benefits and tenure based raises every 6 months so I was going to put in my two weeks notice today and they asked what they can do to keep me, I told them either company wide policy changes or 50% pay raise and he got reeeeally nervous and asked me to give him two days. So he is going to talk to his boss to see what they can do as last month I alone brought in 20k revenue for the company. It was glorious and my heart is pounding crazy AF.

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