
Today was a bit of a rollercoaster with my job hunt

I had an interview a couple of weeks ago with a local construction company. My background is in construction bookkeeping and estimating, and the owner, let’s call him Bob, was very interested in me joining his team. He said to call him back the last week of July and we’d set up a day to start and my rate and whatnot. It’s worth mentioning here that one of this guy’s subs, let’s call him John, was also a regular sub of my old boss, and he recommended me to him and vouched for my abilities. So today I called Bob. He gets on the phone, and he sounds like he’s down in the dumps. He tells me that John told my old boss about me working for the new company and my old boss called the company and told Bob that I was terrible at my job, my resume was…

I had an interview a couple of weeks ago with a local construction company. My background is in construction bookkeeping and estimating, and the owner, let’s call him Bob, was very interested in me joining his team. He said to call him back the last week of July and we’d set up a day to start and my rate and whatnot. It’s worth mentioning here that one of this guy’s subs, let’s call him John, was also a regular sub of my old boss, and he recommended me to him and vouched for my abilities.

So today I called Bob. He gets on the phone, and he sounds like he’s down in the dumps. He tells me that John told my old boss about me working for the new company and my old boss called the company and told Bob that I was terrible at my job, my resume was filled with lies, that I lost him tons of money and that hiring me would be the worst mistake he would ever make. So Bob says he’s sorry, he can’t take the risk of hiring me because his company is already bleeding money.

So I’m fucking livid about that slanderous bullshit. Not sure what I can do about it.

But then a few hours later, I got a call from another company I interviewed with last week. The CEO of that company said she was very impressed with my background and wanted me on her team immediately. So I got my offer in my email shortly after that call. Hourly rate, full benefits, a seated position in the air conditioning, and I’ll be part of a team instead of by myself. I could not be more excited. I start work on Monday! My old boss doesn’t know about this and can’t screw it up for me! I’ve been out of work for a month and I am so thrilled about this! The pay is pretty close to my old job too, about $160 less per week which is really not too bad.

TL:DR – had a job in the bag, old boss fucked it up for me, but I got a really great job offer just a few hours later. I’m excited now! And pretty livid at my old boss at the same time.

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