
Told at interview they all worked in the office through Covid

So I'm permanent WFH but have been interviewing elsewhere. I went for an interview yesterday in person all suited and booted and it was going well… Until they casually asked where I'd come from as I was “dressed up”. I was a bit confused over this and said I'd been working from home and came in for the interview. One of them turned to the other and said “Oh we were just saying how glad we were our director had us work through covid in the office, none of us worked from home at all”. It's a large open plan office space and it's pretty full no room for social distancing or anything like that. They worked through a global pandemic while even the government was pushing wfh What the hell is wrong with people? It's not a selling point your director doesn't care about your health and safety! Needless…

So I'm permanent WFH but have been interviewing elsewhere. I went for an interview yesterday in person all suited and booted and it was going well… Until they casually asked where I'd come from as I was “dressed up”. I was a bit confused over this and said I'd been working from home and came in for the interview. One of them turned to the other and said “Oh we were just saying how glad we were our director had us work through covid in the office, none of us worked from home at all”. It's a large open plan office space and it's pretty full no room for social distancing or anything like that. They worked through a global pandemic while even the government was pushing wfh
What the hell is wrong with people? It's not a selling point your director doesn't care about your health and safety! Needless to say I'm not interested in that position

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