
Told My Boss I Had to Stay Home With My Son Today…

TL/DR: Son is sick, I have to stay home with him today. Boss says that I need to come in on my next day off to “make up for the time”, when I don’t get salary…I’m on commission. Full story: I decided to take this past weekend off, for some extra family time and to just relax before busy season. Today I was supposed to be back in the office, but my toddler was up all night sick, and I decided to stay home with him rather than sending him to daycare (which would be super irresponsible). Let my boss know, and his first words were: “I’ll need you to come in on your day off to make up for the time” I said: “Sorry, I have plans, but we can work something else out if it’s that important” Boss: “This is really disheartening for the team, and to say…

TL/DR: Son is sick, I have to stay home with him today. Boss says that I need to come in on my next day off to “make up for the time”, when I don’t get salary…I’m on commission.

Full story:

I decided to take this past weekend off, for some extra family time and to just relax before busy season. Today I was supposed to be back in the office, but my toddler was up all night sick, and I decided to stay home with him rather than sending him to daycare (which would be super irresponsible).

Let my boss know, and his first words were:

“I’ll need you to come in on your day off to make up for the time”

I said:

“Sorry, I have plans, but we can work something else out if it’s that important”


“This is really disheartening for the team, and to say “if it’s that important”. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

My job is great, I work with fun people and it’s very laid back for the most part. Unfortunately having a life outside of work (especially with me having a toddler – I end up taking more unexpected time out of office than everyone else) is super frowned upon in times like these…but they’re always saying “family first” and “work to live, don’t live to work”.

I’m so sick of this boomer mentality. Me being out of the office doesn’t cause any trouble for anyone. I don’t get a salary, so it’s not like I’m costing anyone money, in fact it gives my coworkers MORE opportunity to make money because we’re in sales, so I don’t get any leads today. They’ll get mine! Which is fine, but don’t tell me I need to “make up for it” or that the team is “disheartened” because my family is more important than fucking work.

Fuck off. Any time my boy needs me, I’m there. I had a dad who worked constantly, and I hated it.

I’m not that dad.

This rant isn’t going anywhere, I’m just pissed off and needed a place to vent.

What are your thoughts? Am I in the wrong here?

If I had another job lined up right now I would absolutely tear into boss and quit, but I can’t.

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