
Tomorrow’s the big day, I’m finally gonna quit my toxic job.

I’ve been at this company for just over a year now and lately it’s been my personal hell. I originally started this job at another branch where I was treated with respect by my manager and coworkers. Four months in I got transferred to a new branch which turned out to be the most toxic work environment I have ever been exposed to. Never have I witnessed a group of more lazy, selfish, and manipulative sorry asses. I worked this job during my last year of college, and now that I’ve graduated I’m ready to leave these assholes behind in their pathetic little town. This week has turned out to be the biggest cluster fuck of them all, and management has once again outdone themselves with the lack of professionalism. Im sick of this shit. I have put up with harassment from an older male employee which management did absolutely…

I’ve been at this company for just over a year now and lately it’s been my personal hell. I originally started this job at another branch where I was treated with respect by my manager and coworkers. Four months in I got transferred to a new branch which turned out to be the most toxic work environment I have ever been exposed to. Never have I witnessed a group of more lazy, selfish, and manipulative sorry asses. I worked this job during my last year of college, and now that I’ve graduated I’m ready to leave these assholes behind in their pathetic little town. This week has turned out to be the biggest cluster fuck of them all, and management has once again outdone themselves with the lack of professionalism. Im sick of this shit. I have put up with harassment from an older male employee which management did absolutely nothing about, despite me making my disapproval clear. And still sent me to “pick up lunch for the office” with him in his stupid mid life crisis sports car, where he proceeded to take me on the highway to kill extra time by showing me how fast sport mode could go. I’m tired of driving home in silence paralyzed with stress. I’m tired of feeling my stomach flip when I wake up for work each morning. I did manage to befriend one employee (who admitted to hating me when I first started because I was “intimidating”) but despite the initial dislike we grew extremely close. Management decided to pull her apart in a meeting earlier in the week, leaving her in tears and hyperventilating. Boss had to drive her home it was so bad. She hasn’t been back since and texted me today letting me know she’s not returning. Now that I have nothing to lose, I’ll be handing my resignation letter in tomorrow morning. It’s been like my dirty secret all week. Especially hearing them talk about how much I’ll be needed this summer to help cover all their vacations LOL. I didn’t intend for this to be so long, it’s just been nice getting all of these thoughts out of my head. If any of you have advice, I’d love to hear it 🙂

To my supervisor if your worthless ass manages to see this: Fuck you Kathy.

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