
Tone deaf corporate help desk wants you to know that they are listening with you.

I work at an large white-glove IT helpdesk, whose office is many, many miles from my home. said large white-glove IT helpdesk sent out a “listening with employees” letter yesterday about how theyve been listening to employees concerns about the exciting return to office culture. Said letter then spent three paragraphs talking about how they understood the misconceptions of having said white-glove IT helpdesk running on decade old equipment can hinder their professionalism and issue management capabilities. NEVER THE LESS, they have replaced all in office work stations with newer ones. Not the newest ones.. just new-er ones. Said white-glove IT helpdesk is a division of Behemoth IT Hardware Corp, LLC. and they posted record profits in 2020 and 2021. — News letter mentioned just a few other things about returning to office: Their excitement about seeing everyone soon, and a reminder that the parking lot is not guarded, the…

I work at an large white-glove IT helpdesk, whose office is many, many miles from my home.

said large white-glove IT helpdesk sent out a “listening with employees” letter yesterday about how theyve been listening to employees concerns about the exciting return to office culture.

Said letter then spent three paragraphs talking about how they understood the misconceptions of having said white-glove IT helpdesk running on decade old equipment can hinder their professionalism and issue management capabilities. NEVER THE LESS, they have replaced all in office work stations with newer ones. Not the newest ones.. just new-er ones.

Said white-glove IT helpdesk is a division of Behemoth IT Hardware Corp, LLC. and they posted record profits in 2020 and 2021.

News letter mentioned just a few other things about returning to office: Their excitement about seeing everyone soon, and a reminder that the parking lot is not guarded, the cafe was closed, and some bullshit about how Clorox wipes would be available from team leads upon request.

Im glad they listened with us.

The dont just want you working. they want you spending.

Thats the social contract of industrial civilization. I get that. people need to be taking and paying for public transportation in order for it to have a maintenance budget.. or whatever.

But it is inconceivable that we as a society cannot evolve a simple remote solution that allows MILLIONS of people in the service and support industry a feasible remote career path, just because we are afraid that we might lose a few burger kings and an olive garden.

For fucks sakes, Im tired of the old ways demanding that I work hard today just to pay for most of tomorrow while telling me I have a freedom to do so.

If I can save for tomorrow instead, that makes me happier. more productive. I spend more because I have more.

Are you fucking listening with me, Behemoth IT Hardware Corp, LLC?

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