
Too many jobs in my area don’t even pay a mere $15/hr

Scrolling thru looking for something better. The first screen has 50 listings. Please note, I’m using the starting of salary range as let’s be honest, that’s what they’d offer. So if they say $12-$17, it’s listed as Under $15. The pay breaks down as follows: No pay info listed: 9 Under $15: 20 Exactly $15: 8 Over $15: 9 Weekly wage: 1 $300-375/week. That works out to fucking barely over minimum wage at 40 hours Annual salary: 3, one starting $25k, 30k, and 35k. All commission based jobs.

Scrolling thru looking for something better. The first screen has 50 listings. Please note, I’m using the starting of salary range as let’s be honest, that’s what they’d offer. So if they say $12-$17, it’s listed as Under $15. The pay breaks down as follows:

No pay info listed: 9
Under $15: 20
Exactly $15: 8
Over $15: 9
Weekly wage: 1 $300-375/week. That works out to fucking barely over minimum wage at 40 hours
Annual salary: 3, one starting $25k, 30k, and 35k. All commission based jobs.

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