
Took a front desk job 2 months ago but I want to try a better opportunity. Is it bad to quit early? Should I leave it off my resume or will it show up in background checks?

I would really appreciate advice. I’m sorry if this is the wrong sub. I am new to the States and migrated from Asia. Last March I just got my work permit and started looking for a job right away. I’m in a pretty small town so honestly it took me a whole month to find anything in my field, so I tried my luck applying at 5 star hotels and figured I can work my way up. Well I landed a front desk job finally and started working. I have to get used to having random shifts every week (I worked in corporate in Asia), not knowing what my schedule is next week, and being asked to work on Sundays at times (boss told me she can accommodate my Sundays off for religious reasons but when I started it seemed like they really can’t, which is hugely disappointing as I…

I would really appreciate advice. I’m sorry if this is the wrong sub. I am new to the States and migrated from Asia.

Last March I just got my work permit and started looking for a job right away. I’m in a pretty small town so honestly it took me a whole month to find anything in my field, so I tried my luck applying at 5 star hotels and figured I can work my way up. Well I landed a front desk job finally and started working. I have to get used to having random shifts every week (I worked in corporate in Asia), not knowing what my schedule is next week, and being asked to work on Sundays at times (boss told me she can accommodate my Sundays off for religious reasons but when I started it seemed like they really can’t, which is hugely disappointing as I was upfront about it in the interview). The pay is just a bit higher than minimum wage.

Today a bank I sent my application to months ago called me if I’m still interested. It’s for a teller position, but the pay, benefits, and most especially the hours are fixed and day shift.

I’m planning to go to the interview, but should I let the bank know I’m 2 months into a job? Many are advising me to leave it off but will it show up in background check? I’m scared the bank will turn me down if they find I’m 2 mos into a new job, they might think I’m a flight risk, but it’s hard waiting around for months for a job you don’t know is going to come. Bills don’t wait. That’s why I took the front desk job.

What is your advice? I really will appreciate it…thank you in advance.

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