
Top 1% Owns 32% of the Nations Wealth, Bottom 90% Owns 30.5%

If you are ever curious as to why your pay is so shit and why you have to work so many hours all the time, well hopefully that beautiful (barf) fact of capitalism gives you an idea. Top 1% holds more wealth than the bottom 90%. Let me take a guess. An economic system that exploits workers and has them work far too many hours for far lower pay than those hours are worth JUST MIGHT make the very top portion of the society who owns them rich but they themselves not so much. I wonder what could possibly be going on….

If you are ever curious as to why your pay is so shit and why you have to work so many hours all the time, well hopefully that beautiful (barf) fact of capitalism gives you an idea.

Top 1% holds more wealth than the bottom 90%.

Let me take a guess.

An economic system that exploits workers and has them work far too many hours for far lower pay than those hours are worth JUST MIGHT make the very top portion of the society who owns them rich but they themselves not so much.

I wonder what could possibly be going on….

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