
Totally insulting Job Offer

Not sure if this is the right sub to post in but I will take a shot. Appreciate any help or advice from someone who has maybe gone through something similar. I am looking to leave my 9-5 for many reasons but mostly my super negative, control freak boss (a story for another day). I have been applying and applying to other jobs and have received very few interviews. I finally found one in another state looking for experience of basically exactly what I do now. My jaw dropped when reading the job posting; that’s how sure I was that I was a great fit. I applied and received a call not even 2 days later asking me for an interview. I interviewed and I thought it went well. The next day the recruiter emailed me asking my salary requirements so I informed him that I was looking for something…

Not sure if this is the right sub to post in but I will take a shot. Appreciate any help or advice from someone who has maybe gone through something similar.
I am looking to leave my 9-5 for many reasons but mostly my super negative, control freak boss (a story for another day). I have been applying and applying to other jobs and have received very few interviews. I finally found one in another state looking for experience of basically exactly what I do now. My jaw dropped when reading the job posting; that’s how sure I was that I was a great fit.
I applied and received a call not even 2 days later asking me for an interview. I interviewed and I thought it went well. The next day the recruiter emailed me asking my salary requirements so I informed him that I was looking for something on the higher range of what was posted with the job. I received a call over the weekend and was offered the job. The only problem is the salary….
I was offered on the lowered end of the range which is less than I make now. Not to mention 1 week of vacation time (get 3 now), no bonus (get 15% now), 5 days in office (work 3 remote now) and no 401k (get a 9% match now). Granted the job is in a lower cost of living area but at the same time I would need to relocate (which I’m fine with because it’s to someone I am interested in living anyway).
Am I just being selfish by expecting an offer of at least what I am making now? I am pretty insulted that she went on for 5 minutes about how they are looking forward to my talent and what I can bring to the team and how much I will be able to grow. Is there a nice way to let them know their offer was insulting? Appreciate your feedback thanks in advance.

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