
Toxic job strikes again.

So a few weeks ago my boss told me if I wanted my contracted hours I would have to work 12 hour shifts on weekends (bear in mind in my job we don't get breaks, like, at all. We eat if we can and it's not unusual to work 8 hours without eating, drinking or using the toilet). I said I'd try it out, managed it without dropping dead, so agreed to do 12 hours every other weekend (we get 1 in 2 off for now). I got my rota yesterday and my boss has put me down to work back to back 13 hour shifts with a guy who is lazy, never shuts up and hasn't got a clue what he's doing yet is incredibly arrogant. She has done this knowing I have multiple chronic illnesses and that last time I was put on this sort of shift pattern…

So a few weeks ago my boss told me if I wanted my contracted hours I would have to work 12 hour shifts on weekends (bear in mind in my job we don't get breaks, like, at all. We eat if we can and it's not unusual to work 8 hours without eating, drinking or using the toilet). I said I'd try it out, managed it without dropping dead, so agreed to do 12 hours every other weekend (we get 1 in 2 off for now). I got my rota yesterday and my boss has put me down to work back to back 13 hour shifts with a guy who is lazy, never shuts up and hasn't got a clue what he's doing yet is incredibly arrogant.

She has done this knowing I have multiple chronic illnesses and that last time I was put on this sort of shift pattern I was hospitalised twice in 6 months due to having massive epileptic seizures brought on by stress and exhaustion. In the last month I've had covid, a serious suicide attempt, my uncle died and I'm currently being tested for MS. My boss knows all of this. I've spent 2 years working my balls off to help her out by doing paperwork, her audits, doing double my expected workload and this is how she repays me? On top of that, she's making me feel like I'm the bad guy and I'm being selfish and entitled, which contributed directly to the aforementioned suicide attempt. Needless to say my 4 weeks is going in today, and if she gets shitty I will walk out on the spot and screw the consequences. I can't take any more.

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