
Tracked by company using 3 separate systems

I need to rant. I work for a big named company (can’t give the name). Our time is tracked down to the last second. We are tracked by every click, scroll, typing, etc that we do. Each day we have to use 3 different systems that we have to log in and out of for breaks, lunches etc. I stepped away for 1-2 minutes just to get a drink and when I came back I was told I would need to stay on a minute later to make up the time.. It’s frustrating because a BIG boss was giving a presentation to my group and forgot to mute themself. Where were they? Out shopping!! We could hear them asking for different sizes of clothing items they wanted to purchase. I feel like I can’t even take a few seconds to breathe without getting an email. We are literally suppose to…

I need to rant. I work for a big named company (can’t give the name). Our time is tracked down to the last second. We are tracked by every click, scroll, typing, etc that we do.

Each day we have to use 3 different systems that we have to log in and out of for breaks, lunches etc. I stepped away for 1-2 minutes just to get a drink and when I came back I was told I would need to stay on a minute later to make up the time..

It’s frustrating because a BIG boss was giving a presentation to my group and forgot to mute themself. Where were they? Out shopping!! We could hear them asking for different sizes of clothing items they wanted to purchase.

I feel like I can’t even take a few seconds to breathe without getting an email. We are literally suppose to be working non stop the full 8 hours. That’s all, feels good to rant about it.

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