
Tragic Career Ending Day

I’ll try to be as brief and professional as possible without leaving out any necessary details. I had been working for a small regional bank, both as a teller and more recently in a teller supervisor role. It was my first ever job with benefits and first job in the industry, so I was really excited to finally be insured and have paid time off, etc. Over my two years with the company I worked notably harder than almost anyone else in a similar role. While my workload increased exponentially my compensation increases were very marginal. Right at my two year mark I brought this to the attention of the HR Department. Gave em the ole “hey I’m running circles around these people” in what I assure you was a much more reasonably professionally worded explanation. To my chagrin, I was told no immediate solution could be obtained regarding my…

I’ll try to be as brief and professional as possible without leaving out any necessary details.

I had been working for a small regional bank, both as a teller and more recently in a teller supervisor role. It was my first ever job with benefits and first job in the industry, so I was really excited to finally be insured and have paid time off, etc. Over my two years with the company I worked notably harder than almost anyone else in a similar role. While my workload increased exponentially my compensation increases were very marginal. Right at my two year mark I brought this to the attention of the HR Department. Gave em the ole “hey I’m running circles around these people” in what I assure you was a much more reasonably professionally worded explanation. To my chagrin, I was told no immediate solution could be obtained regarding my compensation, but the company in response would evaluate my compensation more frequently, from semi annually to quarterly. It was made clear that I was already on a higher trajectory than the average company employee in a similar role, and they had to take into consideration everyone else’s pay increases and give raises fairly according to company history.

I left the meeting feeling shot down although I honestly did not communicate that at the time.

The next day, my immediate supervisor send me a teams message that was intended for her supervisor only, but additionally included me. I am paraphrasing but it said something along the lines of “So I just saw we hired (new hire, no experience) at $1.00 higher an hour than (OP). You know (OP) just got denied in his meeting with HR. We better hope this doesn’t get out!”

To provide some context I am actively training (New hire) as I receive the message, and he reports to me.

I closed my teller drawer, closed my computer, took my keys to security, told them their company was a joke, and quit on the spot.

I did not have a new job in line but I have managed to secure one before my official termination date. The company has expressed its regrets in trying to retain me, but I have made it clear I have no interest in returning. I offered to work a two weeks notice in another office. They said that would not be necessary but they would compensate me for the two week period anyways.

The parties associated but not directly involved have expressed deep condolences both via text message and regular mail.

It was a sweet aftertaste to a very ugly ending and I’m looking forward to my new opportunity.

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