
Transferring me to a far-away location

So I’m here to ask for advice on behalf of my brother: He recently started a minimum wage job at a well-known mobility store (it’s a national chain). He’s been training for a month and he would actually finish training and start making/doing “sales” tomorrow. However, he goes to work today and his manager informs him that he is being transferred to a downtown location (it’s a different city to ours, about 2 hour commute away). He claims it is a transfer within 30 km of our location and my brother agreed to the possibility of such a transfer in the contract (within a 30km radius). What I don’t understand is, why is his manager suddenly targeting him? A co-worker of my brother’s lives very close to the downtown location and told my brother he would love to be transferred to that location, so why is he transferring my brother…

So I’m here to ask for advice on behalf of my brother:

He recently started a minimum wage job at a well-known mobility store (it’s a national chain). He’s been training for a month and he would actually finish training and start making/doing “sales” tomorrow. However, he goes to work today and his manager informs him that he is being transferred to a downtown location (it’s a different city to ours, about 2 hour commute away). He claims it is a transfer within 30 km of our location and my brother agreed to the possibility of such a transfer in the contract (within a 30km radius). What I don’t understand is, why is his manager suddenly targeting him? A co-worker of my brother’s lives very close to the downtown location and told my brother he would love to be transferred to that location, so why is he transferring my brother instead? Both were hired at around the same time as well.

My brother got home and actually searched up the distance between our home / the current store location and the downtown location and it’s 41-43 km. He called his manager and told him this and the manager said, “look at the distance between our store location and the downtown one, not from your home.” My brother said it’s still around 41 km away, so the manager began to try to find a route within 30 km. He couldn’t so he said he’ll talk to the regional manager and call my brother back. What is going on here? Why are they so desperate to transfer him? Especially when it is clear that it would be a lot easier to just transfer the co-worker who lives closer to the downtown location, it would be within 30 km for the co-worker and he would happily go.

The only thing I can think of is that our grandmother just died last Thursday night and my brother asked to take 2 shifts off (Friday and Sunday). The manager agreed, gave him Friday off, and switched his Sunday shift with another one later in the week. Now, my brother goes back to work today (Monday), and receives this news. What is the deal here?

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