
transgender in the service industry

I’m Hamish. I’m a transgender man (female to male). I have not started medical transition, but I have socially transitioned in many ways, meaning I present as male, I introduce myself as male, and my family and friends are aware of my identity as male. There is one glaring area of my life however in which I still have to play the role of a cis woman and that is at work, wherein most of my coworkers and all of our customers don’t know my status as a trans male. This is by design, much of the management and our clientele has proven to me they aren’t safe to be out to and has said things that might be considered violently transphobic. Also my dad is the general manager and if I came out it would force him to take a side which the workplace would see as political. Needless…

I’m Hamish. I’m a transgender man (female to male). I have not started medical transition, but I have socially transitioned in many ways, meaning I present as male, I introduce myself as male, and my family and friends are aware of my identity as male. There is one glaring area of my life however in which I still have to play the role of a cis woman and that is at work, wherein most of my coworkers and all of our customers don’t know my status as a trans male. This is by design, much of the management and our clientele has proven to me they aren’t safe to be out to and has said things that might be considered violently transphobic. Also my dad is the general manager and if I came out it would force him to take a side which the workplace would see as political. Needless to say this is really harming my mental health.

I am trying to look for a new job right now, one which is preferably still a tipped position, but I don’t even know where to start. I haven’t been on the job market in years and never as an out trans person pursuing medically altering my body. Does anyone have knowledge about the sort of research or questioning I could do to find out if a workplace is safe for trans people?

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