
Transphobic boss threatened to fire me, IMMEDIETLY after telling me how good my work was?

So, to start, im trans, MTF. Ive been socially out and on HRT for 3 years, point is i look very feminine now. When i originally began working at COMPANY, I did not specify my gender at work, and after checking with my companies HR rep (who happens to be the bosses wife) i began dressing both feminine and masculine at work. I have done so on multiple occasions and have never been met with issue in the 1+ year ive worked there. Today i dressed fem, wearing a skirt (coming down to just above the knee) and a long sleeve shirt with a T shirt over it. I also wore tall black socks that covered most of my legs, so the only skin you could see was my knee (i prefer dressing a bit more covered up, just preference) Anyway, at the end of the day today, a few…

So, to start, im trans, MTF. Ive been socially out and on HRT for 3 years, point is i look very feminine now.
When i originally began working at COMPANY, I did not specify my gender at work, and after checking with my companies HR rep (who happens to be the bosses wife) i began dressing both feminine and masculine at work. I have done so on multiple occasions and have never been met with issue in the 1+ year ive worked there.

Today i dressed fem, wearing a skirt (coming down to just above the knee) and a long sleeve shirt with a T shirt over it. I also wore tall black socks that covered most of my legs, so the only skin you could see was my knee (i prefer dressing a bit more covered up, just preference)

Anyway, at the end of the day today, a few of us and the boss had to stay late to get somr stuff done, and during these after hours (we were still clocked in) my boss pulled me aside and insulted me saying “it looks like your wearing a costume” then proceeded onto a 20 minute transphobic lecture about chromosomes and how “you are a man , it doesnt matter what you dress up as”

I attempted to let him know that this was in fact against the law to require me to wear masculine clothing, but in his words “i can fire you any time i want for anything i want” (this is florida so idk…)

Ive been mocked at work before for my gender identity, so ive made a habit of turning on audio recording on my phone whenever i get pulled aside because im always fearful of this.

Is there anything i can do? I dont want to lose my job but at the same time it feels horrible to be insulted and made fun at work FOR SOMETHING I DIDN'T CHOOSE TO BE!!!

TLDR – boss is transphobic and threatened to fire me if i dress feminine. MTF for context.

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