
Tried to call out on Wednesday, found out I have covid on friday.

So I was feeling like shit on Wednesday so I called my boss. All I told her was that I felt like trash and wouldn’t be coming in (this was like an hour before my shift so kinda short notice.) She then asked me, “what do you mean feel like trash?” So I told her that my throat hurts and I have a headache. She responded with, “unless you have a fever or you’re throwing up, I expect you to be at work.” Which like yeah I should but I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. So I end up coming in since it’s my Friday and I’m not willing to argue. Fast forward to Friday and my brother tells me that my dad has Covid. This wouldn’t be that big of an issue usually since I’m never home when he is, but he took me to fix…

So I was feeling like shit on Wednesday so I called my boss. All I told her was that I felt like trash and wouldn’t be coming in (this was like an hour before my shift so kinda short notice.) She then asked me, “what do you mean feel like trash?” So I told her that my throat hurts and I have a headache. She responded with, “unless you have a fever or you’re throwing up, I expect you to be at work.” Which like yeah I should but I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. So I end up coming in since it’s my Friday and I’m not willing to argue.

Fast forward to Friday and my brother tells me that my dad has Covid. This wouldn’t be that big of an issue usually since I’m never home when he is, but he took me to fix my car and we went and got food.

So I call in again with this information and they were like “if you don’t have symptoms you can come in.” I was like, “bro I do have symptoms that’s why I called.” And the whole time they kinda had an attitude with me. I think they might have thought it was just an excuse to get out of work.

Anyways I don’t know if I’m in the wrong since covid isn’t such a huge thing anymore. I do work with food tho and they never suggested I come in wearing a mask or anything like that

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