
Tried to take a mental health day… ended up feeling worse

So I currently WFH, for a non-profit. We earn 1 sick day and 1 vacation day per month. This morning I woke up and decided I wanted to use a sick day – I have plenty, plus between my allergies and mental health I could use a break. Emailed my boss to let her know I’d be out today. My boss responds asking how I’m going to complete a certain task that’s deadlined for today. The only reason I hadn’t already done it? She needed to train me on how to complete it, but pushed the training to today because she was “too tired” last week. So instead of resting today and taking a break, I’ve been on and offline, working. I counted it up and between sending emails, getting trained, and doing some small tasks, I’ve been online for about 3.5 hours. So I didn’t get to take a…

So I currently WFH, for a non-profit. We earn 1 sick day and 1 vacation day per month. This morning I woke up and decided I wanted to use a sick day – I have plenty, plus between my allergies and mental health I could use a break.

Emailed my boss to let her know I’d be out today. My boss responds asking how I’m going to complete a certain task that’s deadlined for today. The only reason I hadn’t already done it? She needed to train me on how to complete it, but pushed the training to today because she was “too tired” last week.

So instead of resting today and taking a break, I’ve been on and offline, working. I counted it up and between sending emails, getting trained, and doing some small tasks, I’ve been online for about 3.5 hours. So I didn’t get to take a break, and now I know my time off isn’t going to be respected.

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