
trying to look busy at work

i guess this is a rant but i hate how down time is looked down upon when working. i felt anxious the whole work day because i'm scared i'll get let go because of my downtime. i can see my boss always looking at me with a non-happy face and she indirectly told me off about my downtime twice. but it's so hard to not just sit and do nothing. i do everything i have to do right when i get the chance so when i'm done, i sit. when i open, i get everything i need to get done in an hour then i more or less chill for at least an hour. yesterday and today i even cleaned the bathroom twice, swept like 7 times, cleaned random things no one ever cleans just to “look busy ” and during that, my boss came up to me and suggest…

i guess this is a rant but i hate how down time is looked down upon when working. i felt anxious the whole work day because i'm scared i'll get let go because of my downtime. i can see my boss always looking at me with a non-happy face and she indirectly told me off about my downtime twice. but it's so hard to not just sit and do nothing. i do everything i have to do right when i get the chance so when i'm done, i sit. when i open, i get everything i need to get done in an hour then i more or less chill for at least an hour. yesterday and today i even cleaned the bathroom twice, swept like 7 times, cleaned random things no one ever cleans just to “look busy ” and during that, my boss came up to me and suggest i do things on a list because i have too much downtime. it just sucks.

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