
Trying to stay positive when I know I’ll test positive

So I know this is anit work but hhear me out… I work as a roadside tire technician and I have found my love and passion. I've worked tons of other places and types of jobs, from factory to kitchen, and everywhere in between. I love my job, and I'm great at it. This morning I was on my way to a service call on the nearby turnpike, in my company truck (GPS monitered), when an elderly lady pulled out in front of me t-boning my service truck. 100% NOT MY FAULT! Computer shows me traveling 57 mph, hard braking down to 27. My boss knows I'm one of the best techs he has and knows company policy is report and whizz quiz. He also know in my off time I like to partake of the herbal remedies to relax. I don't drink, I don't do anything at work, and…

So I know this is anit work but hhear me out…

I work as a roadside tire technician and I have found my love and passion. I've worked tons of other places and types of jobs, from factory to kitchen, and everywhere in between. I love my job, and I'm great at it.
This morning I was on my way to a service call on the nearby turnpike, in my company truck (GPS monitered), when an elderly lady pulled out in front of me t-boning my service truck.
Computer shows me traveling 57 mph, hard braking down to 27. My boss knows I'm one of the best techs he has and knows company policy is report and whizz quiz. He also know in my off time I like to partake of the herbal remedies to relax. I don't drink, I don't do anything at work, and yet he knows I'll fail a drug test.
My boss came to the site of the accident and says, “OK follow me to my house and we will drop the truck off there and you are gonna then become a bit of a wreak. So I'll just run you home in my house, tell them (corporate) I have so many things going or rn I forgot, and tomorrow we can take care of the test. Will that give you enough time?”
Thank God this guy knows what he has in a worker. I work my butt off for this man and his shop, so he's gonna do what he can to help make sure I keep the one job I love.
I know some people might look down on us 420 friendly folks, but hey I lost a kid, nearly lost my dad and lost a job (quit because of hardships) and lost my relationship in the first 4 months of the year so idc what you think of me.
Just a tiny rant I needed to get out. I know so.e of you seem to work in hell with Satan as a boos, but stay strong, you perfect fit is out there.

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