
Turned 18 (m) and quit my job (nz)

I lost my job to the mandates (I’m double vaxxed my boss just tried to tell me she’d fire me if I didn’t get the booster before I was due it and before it was mandated so I resigned) and I’ve met a group of some really awesome anti-work people and am probably going to move between the coromandel and the Chatham Islands for the next while doing sustainable living and learning how to build Adobe homes I’m the youngest in the group and would really like to just put it out there to anyone else around my age keen to join couldn’t find a more suiting community to post this in. Anyone welcome to flick me a message if you’re keen to come on an adventure With some anti work loving whanau

I lost my job to the mandates (I’m double vaxxed my boss just tried to tell me she’d fire me if I didn’t get the booster before I was due it and before it was mandated so I resigned) and I’ve met a group of some really awesome anti-work people and am probably going to move between the coromandel and the Chatham Islands for the next while doing sustainable living and learning how to build Adobe homes I’m the youngest in the group and would really like to just put it out there to anyone else around my age keen to join couldn’t find a more suiting community to post this in.

Anyone welcome to flick me a message if you’re keen to come on an adventure With some anti work loving whanau

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