

“Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizen.” Thomas Jefferson What are we really celebrating this Fourth of July. Every day I see things getting worse the country is in full decay with the wealthy running rough shod all over the average person. Medical insurance in this country is a joke with people having to chose living or life long crippling debt. No one can afford housing or even basic necessities on their stagnant wages. Even the majority vote in our national elections don’t matter when the electoral college overturns the popular vote and the Supreme Court makes decisions that effect the nation despite the majority being appointed by men who never won a popular vote. What are we so proud of what independence what freedom. America has become an international joke and a pig bank for wealth corporations. I just feel…

“Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizen.”

Thomas Jefferson

What are we really celebrating this Fourth of July.

Every day I see things getting worse the country is in full decay with the wealthy running rough shod all over the average person.

Medical insurance in this country is a joke with people having to chose living or life long crippling debt.

No one can afford housing or even basic necessities on their stagnant wages.

Even the majority vote in our national elections don’t matter when the electoral college overturns the popular vote and the Supreme Court makes decisions that effect the nation despite the majority being appointed by men who never won a popular vote.

What are we so proud of what independence what freedom.

America has become an international joke and a pig bank for wealth corporations.

I just feel ashamed that my children have to grow up here.

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