
U.S Gasoline Boycott: July 15th-18th

Hey! So on Tik Tok a lot of people have been discussing a nationwide gasoline boycott across the US and when I saw it I immediately thought of this subreddit. Gas prices in a lot of places are higher than the nationwide minimum wage right now. That is unacceptable. People cannot travel on American infrastructure like this. Soon, people will not be able to work like this; when the ride to work costs more than what you get from working, why bother? Plus, with the US government all too happy to bend the knee to the almighty dollar, oil corporations, and the executives raking in millions over this manufactured crisis, the people must act. I for one, won't take this kind of crap from the same companies who I grew up watching pour oil by the millions of gallons into the Gulf of Mexico due to their own cheapness and…

Hey! So on Tik Tok a lot of people have been discussing a nationwide gasoline boycott across the US and when I saw it I immediately thought of this subreddit. Gas prices in a lot of places are higher than the nationwide minimum wage right now. That is unacceptable. People cannot travel on American infrastructure like this. Soon, people will not be able to work like this; when the ride to work costs more than what you get from working, why bother? Plus, with the US government all too happy to bend the knee to the almighty dollar, oil corporations, and the executives raking in millions over this manufactured crisis, the people must act. I for one, won't take this kind of crap from the same companies who I grew up watching pour oil by the millions of gallons into the Gulf of Mexico due to their own cheapness and negligence. For that reason I will be participating in the gasoline strike, and I hope you can too.

The strike is set to begin July 15th. In theory, three days is the minimum, ending on July 18th, but many are calling for an indefinite boycott. This means avoiding the purchasing of gasoline indefinitely for as long as possible. Many have committed to this already, learning their local bus routes, carpooling with coworkers, biking, walking, etc. I myself have committed to going remote to work during those days, and attending all meetings virtually during the time until I simply cannot avoid buying gas any longer (though I understand many do not have that luxury).

How can you help? Well #1 is by participating. Do not buy gasoline across those three days, and, if at all possible, hold out for as long as you can! Do not buy gas, do not purchase things from inside a gas station, do not give them any of your hard-earned, underpaid money. #2: spread the word. Talk to your family and friends, tell them what's going on, why you are praticating, and why they should too. I am sure there are other subreddits you could post about this to as well.

Sorry if this gets taken down, but if you see this, participate, and encourage others to participate with you!

Edit: grammar.

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