
[UK] told my boss I caught covid and his response made me feel sick

Long story short I unfortunately caught covid and am currently in bed feeling sorry for myself but at this rate I’m gonna milk my symptoms as long as possible because of the way I’m being treated (heck I’m not being paid for this time off now due to new covid rules in my country). I messaged my boss as soon as I got a positive result and his words are “poor me I can’t deal with this stress” and then a whole paragraph saying that I need to look in a “different direction” as he thinks food retail is not for me. He claims I’m not happy with my current role of supervisor and my people management skills need work when he’s hired nothing but useless kids who give me attitude when I instruct them to do a task (I’m a chill supervisor who knows working is bullshit) or don’t…

Long story short I unfortunately caught covid and am currently in bed feeling sorry for myself but at this rate I’m gonna milk my symptoms as long as possible because of the way I’m being treated (heck I’m not being paid for this time off now due to new covid rules in my country). I messaged my boss as soon as I got a positive result and his words are “poor me I can’t deal with this stress” and then a whole paragraph saying that I need to look in a “different direction” as he thinks food retail is not for me. He claims I’m not happy with my current role of supervisor and my people management skills need work when he’s hired nothing but useless kids who give me attitude when I instruct them to do a task (I’m a chill supervisor who knows working is bullshit) or don’t listen to me yet I can’t be more stern with them as I get disciplined or laughed at when I report this issue, I’m constantly left understaffed and have been bullied and ostracised by older members of staff who constantly start fights with younger members of staff, I’m just about done with this place £9 an hour is not worth the stress at my age (20) I’m hoping this is just because my boss is in a bad mood but it’s just made me feel hopeless as no other job will interview me and I get rejected straight away.

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