
Um, what?

I work in the financial industry. It can be long hours and really stressful. In late April, everyone was put on a 30 day plan to try to increase production. The next workday, I got sick with Covid and was out for almost 4 weeks. Skip ahead to last week, I get put on a write up for not meeting expectations. When I pointed out that I was sick the entire month I was told it’s still my responsibility that my files are kept up to date while I’m not in the office. I get that my role is important but we have a department devoted entirely to covering people while they’re out. If I could have predicted getting Covid I would have planned ahead better I guess.

I work in the financial industry. It can be long hours and really stressful. In late April, everyone was put on a 30 day plan to try to increase production. The next workday, I got sick with Covid and was out for almost 4 weeks. Skip ahead to last week, I get put on a write up for not meeting expectations. When I pointed out that I was sick the entire month I was told it’s still my responsibility that my files are kept up to date while I’m not in the office. I get that my role is important but we have a department devoted entirely to covering people while they’re out. If I could have predicted getting Covid I would have planned ahead better I guess.

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