
Under qualified and overpaid.

Dear Reddit. I’m 23 years into a highly skilled trade that is rapidly becoming extinct. My mentors are dying and I’m getting old. I have a respectable resume and references but feel shorted I’m my current employment. It’s a long story but hear me out. (Without too many specifics). I will try to summarize. During Covid I lost child care and was able to shift to nights and work independently with minimal supervision. Maybe late 2020 there’s an incident. Boundaries crossed, exploded in my face, gave me a reprimand via text. Bad situation that festered as I was ill just after I started the project in “his bay”. The epiphany I had recently was; when I dismantled a 1987 Porsche Cabriolet (I had permission from all) In His bay. He felt I overstepped my boundaries. (He took it upon himself to install the headliner but he did it wrong 2”…

Dear Reddit.
I’m 23 years into a highly skilled trade that is rapidly becoming extinct. My mentors are dying and I’m getting old. I have a respectable resume and references but feel shorted I’m my current employment.
It’s a long story but hear me out. (Without too many specifics). I will try to summarize.
During Covid I lost child care and was able to shift to nights and work independently with minimal supervision. Maybe late 2020 there’s an incident. Boundaries crossed, exploded in my face, gave me a reprimand via text. Bad situation that festered as I was ill just after I started the project in “his bay”.
The epiphany I had recently was; when I dismantled a 1987 Porsche Cabriolet (I had permission from all) In His bay. He felt I overstepped my boundaries. (He took it upon himself to install the headliner but he did it wrong 2” off. ) l didn’t argue because I was newly hired and well, fuck Covid. So hear I am processing and I need help.

So, I told my boss a month ago, I was moving across the state. I’ve made arrangements and have modified my schedule to be able to reside at said place of work(work 4-10s live 5 hours away) My wife is very excited. Anyways, I’m in transition. Per conversation with Morrison (Owner) I’ve finagled a mutually beneficial understanding. Rent for work deal. I love the work. I respect him. I need him. 72 years and battling throat cancer. He’s post chemo and is preparing for an anniversary party weekend. Looking good but weak. This past year has been difficult for all in one way or another but I digress.
Day one interview was a casual conversation between new compadres. Amazing man with an established specialized custom automotive shop. I felt at home. It was a Sunday so we just talked like guys at a car show. I met my new mentor. 6 months later Covid

So I’m transitioning into days. Up and ready 7:00am. Other expectations that have been agreed upon (history from my predecessor). It’s hot as fuck. I can’t sleep. I have a headache. FUCKITY. 7:30! Customer is at the door and he gets pissed. “We open at 8! I fix the car and the customer leaves. I’m feeling this vibe from coworker Chad.
He’s been “managing “ for the last two years. 7 years in. We have a lot of similarities. Maybe just coincidence but weird cosmic type stuff. We begin to relate on another level. That sympathetic therapy in the trenches. That was then.

Today I was ready to walk. I’ve spent the last 8 hrs crafting this post praying for guidance. I’m dealing with a hostile aggressive coworker with a short temper and room temperature ID. And he makes more then me $$$. Please advise.
Hi Reddit am I an asshole?

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