
‘Undercover Boss’ came on while I was doing other stuff but I happened to catch the end…

Holy Fuck. Idk the company or any other details, but what I did see was the ending where the Boss is supposed to have a super real epiphany that he or she has been fucking over their employees this entire time! Oh my! This motherfucker said to his employee something like, “It’s amazing that you’ve been working all of these extra hours doing other people’s jobs. What I’d like to do is put you on salary. And now you’ll be bonus eligible.” Like this is some kind of fucking good deal? “No more overtime for you bitch! I said bonus eligible! I didn’t say I’d give you one! And also, you’re welcome!” And she cried bc it’s all fake and acted happy. I bet she quit within a month. I actually used to like the show before I saw the bullshit. The work culture brainwashing runs deeeep.

Holy Fuck. Idk the company or any other details, but what I did see was the ending where the Boss is supposed to have a super real epiphany that he or she has been fucking over their employees this entire time! Oh my!

This motherfucker said to his employee something like, “It’s amazing that you’ve been working all of these extra hours doing other people’s jobs. What I’d like to do is put you on salary. And now you’ll be bonus eligible.”

Like this is some kind of fucking good deal? “No more overtime for you bitch! I said bonus eligible! I didn’t say I’d give you one! And also, you’re welcome!”

And she cried bc it’s all fake and acted happy. I bet she quit within a month.

I actually used to like the show before I saw the bullshit. The work culture brainwashing runs deeeep.

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