
Unfair Supervisor – rant

I work in a hospital. I understand sometimes we are short staffed. This past week, 3 people were on vacation and 3 people were on leave. That's 6 people out. With this information, I try and request 4 days off in June where 2 days weren't full to request and 2 days were full but were weekends and not everybody works weekends. Only 3 people are on vacation at that time and no one is on leave. It seemed like a reasonable request. However, it was denied because “too many people are off”. This is the same supervisor who gives her buddies 3 day weekends every other week. Too many people are off yet you had 6 people off last week and I mainly work the evening shift that isn't that staffed on weekends anyways. How is this fair? I'd understand if more people were out and they weren't weekends…

I work in a hospital. I understand sometimes we are short staffed. This past week, 3 people were on vacation and 3 people were on leave. That's 6 people out. With this information, I try and request 4 days off in June where 2 days weren't full to request and 2 days were full but were weekends and not everybody works weekends. Only 3 people are on vacation at that time and no one is on leave. It seemed like a reasonable request. However, it was denied because “too many people are off”. This is the same supervisor who gives her buddies 3 day weekends every other week. Too many people are off yet you had 6 people off last week and I mainly work the evening shift that isn't that staffed on weekends anyways. How is this fair? I'd understand if more people were out and they weren't weekends but the supervisor could switch shifts around, but no that's too much work for her.

An example of why she's lazy: A coworker mistook his jury duty days for March when it was February. She had time to change the schedule in March to go back to his usual graveyard shift, but she left it and then made other people work those graveyard shifts in-between other shifts. I guess It was too much work for her to change it back and give people more consistent schedules.

Another example: She doesn't condone people switching shifts. I'd understand if people weren't as qualified, but we're all trained now. Switching a shift to make our lives easier shouldn't be met with such hostility. All she has to do is copy and paste different times in the schedule. It isn't that hard to do!

God I'm so tired of this. I can't wait to quit this job. I hope other places aren't this bad. Please tell me other places aren't like this or else I'll scream.

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