
Unfairly let go at work, old colleagues keep texting to ‘check up’. How do I tell them to F off?

A couple of months back I resigned from my job after an unfair evaluation. However, my boss decided to end my appointment after I refused to ‘prove my worth’ and didn’t accept his plea for me to stay on for a reevaluation. IMO the proof was in my work done that I had received praise for earlier. Looking back now, it seemed like an obvious attempt by my boss and a few colleagues to get rid of me for political reasons. Very common where I’m from. Anyway, during my time at my place, I was pretty friendly with everyone, but preferred to mind my business. I noticed that giving people too much access, my boss included, meant that they felt comfortable contacting me outside of working hours on things that honestly could wait. I would say I have about 2 old colleagues that I don’t mind hearing from every now…

A couple of months back I resigned from my job after an unfair evaluation. However, my boss decided to end my appointment after I refused to ‘prove my worth’ and didn’t accept his plea for me to stay on for a reevaluation. IMO the proof was in my work done that I had received praise for earlier. Looking back now, it seemed like an obvious attempt by my boss and a few colleagues to get rid of me for political reasons. Very common where I’m from.

Anyway, during my time at my place, I was pretty friendly with everyone, but preferred to mind my business. I noticed that giving people too much access, my boss included, meant that they felt comfortable contacting me outside of working hours on things that honestly could wait. I would say I have about 2 old colleagues that I don’t mind hearing from every now and then.

But of late, I’ve been getting texts from other colleagues who are just ‘checking up’ and who I strongly feel were instrumental in how things played out before my departure. They were also major ass kissers so I already didn’t like to hang around them much. They would do things like refuse to go on leave to prove how selfless they were, praise the boss by always describing him as a visionary leader, basically all the cringy stuff you could think of. And my boss ATE it up! He got upset with me because I didn’t like his personal tweets lmfao.

But yeah, I deleted all those numbers from my phone but every so often I’d receive a text from someone asking if I’d gotten a new job or congratulating me on completing my masters. And I’m like why? Some also send me job vacancies and condescendingly say they are here to help. I don’t know if I’m at the right place but you guys are pretty good at coming up with tough words to say to colleagues and bosses so I figured I’d give it a try here..haha. Or should I just block them and carry on? It would be nice to finally say something mean to them though

FYI, I am working now and earning much more. My work-life balance has improved more considerably. My new boss cuts contact exactly at 5 and will only text me if it’s to confirm or cancel a meeting.

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