
Union issues (USA), I don’t know where to turn.

I need help as I am at my wits end. I've had complaints regarding how myself and my co-workers have been treated at our federal job. This ranges from privacy concerns to patient safety concerns and how they treat us. I have reached out to my union over the past two years, and they have done nothing to help. Recently I went above to president of the local chapter to his boss begging for help. He turned around and sent me back to the local chapter who hasn't helped. I have about 50 co-workers that are currently helpless to fight the issues. I had to go to the whistle blowers part of my organization to finally get our concerns looked into. My problem is that I still don't trust my union and I want to bring some sort of legal or governmental hammer down on them to either shape up…

I need help as I am at my wits end.

I've had complaints regarding how myself and my co-workers have been treated at our federal job. This ranges from privacy concerns to patient safety concerns and how they treat us. I have reached out to my union over the past two years, and they have done nothing to help. Recently I went above to president of the local chapter to his boss begging for help. He turned around and sent me back to the local chapter who hasn't helped. I have about 50 co-workers that are currently helpless to fight the issues. I had to go to the whistle blowers part of my organization to finally get our concerns looked into.

My problem is that I still don't trust my union and I want to bring some sort of legal or governmental hammer down on them to either shape up or to get us into another union who will fight for us. I have tried reaching out to multiple government overseeing organizations and haven't had a call back. I have reached out to lawyers but I guess I am not conveying our need correctly because no one seems to have time to help us. Is there an organization who can help us with resources in dealing with this? I am looking for anything right now. I just need to get someone who will listen to our issues and point us in the right direction.

Thank you for reading this.

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