
Union Representation

So I have a little story from today for you all. I've been in the utility industry for almost a decade now. I started as non union and moved to union. The union, IBEW, has allowed me to make the highest starting and ending hourly wages in our organization. This is not one of the for profit boys either but is a medium size utility nonetheless. We are a unique setup and aren't city workers either. Beyond the pay there are many union benefits, namely that it's hard to fire us due to our union representation and procedures. So I started a new job a few weeks ago and today one by one my peers are called into the managers office until I'm finally called. I go into this office and am met by two supervisors, the manager, and my union steward. I know this isn't going to be pretty.…

So I have a little story from today for you all.

I've been in the utility industry for almost a decade now. I started as non union and moved to union. The union, IBEW, has allowed me to make the highest starting and ending hourly wages in our organization. This is not one of the for profit boys either but is a medium size utility nonetheless. We are a unique setup and aren't city workers either.

Beyond the pay there are many union benefits, namely that it's hard to fire us due to our union representation and procedures. So I started a new job a few weeks ago and today one by one my peers are called into the managers office until I'm finally called.

I go into this office and am met by two supervisors, the manager, and my union steward. I know this isn't going to be pretty. They kind of hee-haw around until they finally lay on me that I've been accused of making a bomb threat essentially. I'm like Jesus Christ, I have never said such a thing, infact I don't even have thoughts like that. My union steward represented me during this intimidating meeting and I'm thankful of such. Afterwards he told me that nobody they interviewed backed the accusation and that everyone in that meeting believed me.

I am thankful to have that representation at a time like that, during a completely fabricated accusation. The outcome would have likely been the same if I didn't have that representation but I can't say for sure. I'm also thankful to have it and the follow up during such an event. Worst thing I've ever been accused of, I enjoy my job and take it seriously.

This also is a story of nobody at work is your friend. Everyone, union and non union, are there to step on you for self gain, regardless of how that effects you. I have worked hard to carefully curate my reputation and am horrified someone would make a fabricated accusation like this that could end my career. In the non union world all it takes is a single person to confirm it and it's game over for you, I firmly believe the union would have protected me from that without solid evidence or several confirmations. Regardless I am thankful it went down the way it did and am startled by such an unfortunate event.

Ruined my fucking hump day, to say the least.

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