
Unionizing or striking

My job, who shall remain nameless for now, announced that they were giving us a pay raise at our mandatory fun day. It hasn’t entered effect yet and now we are facing massive hour cutting. I’m one of the lucky ones who is only getting cut by 28% of my hours. Others are looking at well over 50-60% cut backs. It’s all thanks to a new autoscheduler they have decided to start using. I’m looking at about a loss of a third of my monthly paycheck at best (most likely more). I need a second job now for sure but thanks to this autoscheduler my 19 hours of work are spread out over 4-5 days. To top it off I have to drive well over an hour to get to my job and then we’ll over an hour home. I realistically can’t get a second job thanks to needing to…

My job, who shall remain nameless for now, announced that they were giving us a pay raise at our mandatory fun day. It hasn’t entered effect yet and now we are facing massive hour cutting. I’m one of the lucky ones who is only getting cut by 28% of my hours. Others are looking at well over 50-60% cut backs. It’s all thanks to a new autoscheduler they have decided to start using. I’m looking at about a loss of a third of my monthly paycheck at best (most likely more). I need a second job now for sure but thanks to this autoscheduler my 19 hours of work are spread out over 4-5 days. To top it off I have to drive well over an hour to get to my job and then we’ll over an hour home. I realistically can’t get a second job thanks to needing to be available full time for this autoscheduler to even consider giving me 19 hours. Other folks who live in the city we work in who already have second jobs and this limited availability are being considered least priority by this scheduler. We have been talking about unionizing for several months thanks to other issues but the back has been broken over this. My boss who is only a branch manager and makes more than quadruple my old pay is saying pretty much his hands are tied and nothing can be done. The company we work for has reported records profits for every quarter for the past 20 years. What should we do. I know striking will likely get us fired and it feels like unionizing is going nowhere since representatives won’t get back with us and a union for our job doesn’t exist yet. I’m just at an absolute loss. These skills from this job aren’t not transferable at all!

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