
unions need to provide more protection to blue collar workers

My mom is a school bus driver, I used to be as well so I understand better than most how liable bus drivers are. First off no pto, which is an issue especially bc most bus drivers need the money and don't have the luxury to miss work without compensation, and are around the least hygienic age of people. 2nd if someone runs your stop arm you have to show up to court as a witness and miss work meaning no pay also no compensation. So most bus drivers won't report it even tho we really would like to hold them responsible for running the stop arm. I know in NY they gave civilians 25% of the ticket for reporting bike lane parkers. The fact we compensate civilians but not people who are actively missing “work” to be a witness in court bc of work is insane. Besides all forementioned…

My mom is a school bus driver, I used to be as well so I understand better than most how liable bus drivers are. First off no pto, which is an issue especially bc most bus drivers need the money and don't have the luxury to miss work without compensation, and are around the least hygienic age of people. 2nd if someone runs your stop arm you have to show up to court as a witness and miss work meaning no pay also no compensation. So most bus drivers won't report it even tho we really would like to hold them responsible for running the stop arm. I know in NY they gave civilians 25% of the ticket for reporting bike lane parkers. The fact we compensate civilians but not people who are actively missing “work” to be a witness in court bc of work is insane. Besides all forementioned bus drivers are subject to drug test which is not an issue unless you want to use cbd products or enjoy your weekend and smoke some cannabis. This bothered me a bunch bc I felt like I was always at work bc I didn't have the same access to recreational activities as someone with a different job. If you own my time outside work we deserve to paid for that. End rant . Lmk what yall think.

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