
University Career Page with absolutely no salary information.

My university offers a tuition discount work program. This basically means if you work for them you can get a huge discount on your tuition costs. I head over to their careers page and find that every. single. position. from entry level CSR to doctorate level mentor has no salary range whatsoever. The only thing every application has is a question at the end asking for a desired salary range. I’m livid. I don’t want to go too high because what if they pass me over and I don’t want to go too low because I need to live. Companies that do this can kick rocks.

My university offers a tuition discount work program. This basically means if you work for them you can get a huge discount on your tuition costs. I head over to their careers page and find that

every. single. position.

from entry level CSR to doctorate level mentor has no salary range whatsoever. The only thing every application has is a question at the end asking for a desired salary range. I’m livid. I don’t want to go too high because what if they pass me over and I don’t want to go too low because I need to live. Companies that do this can kick rocks.

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