
Unpaid holidays and messed up days off – a rant about jobs being a little more than inconvenient

Sooo my boyfriend is a leasing agent for an apartment building and has to work Saturdays and Sundays. This past week the office was closed on Easter so he had the day off. However apparently this was unpaid so it counted as one of his days off and now he has to work on Thursday it Friday (which are his usual days off). I know it’s not that big of a deal but I just think it’s really fucked up – especially since he’s one of the few employees that has to work on the weekends since the apartment building is owned by a larger company. This is also the second time this has happened – he previously took a 3 day weekend off (Saturday – Monday) and they had him scheduled to work 9 days in a row when he was back. After realizing that was illegal they made…

Sooo my boyfriend is a leasing agent for an apartment building and has to work Saturdays and Sundays. This past week the office was closed on Easter so he had the day off. However apparently this was unpaid so it counted as one of his days off and now he has to work on Thursday it Friday (which are his usual days off). I know it’s not that big of a deal but I just think it’s really fucked up – especially since he’s one of the few employees that has to work on the weekends since the apartment building is owned by a larger company.

This is also the second time this has happened – he previously took a 3 day weekend off (Saturday – Monday) and they had him scheduled to work 9 days in a row when he was back. After realizing that was illegal they made him use a sick day to take off so he wouldn’t work so many executive days.

Please keep in mind that he is supposed to be allotted one weekend off a month so he technically only took off the Monday!!! Also every-time he gets a weekend off they make him work that Thursday.

Are we wrong to be extremely pissed about this? Or at least annoyed?

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